Saturday 19 January 2008


Last year, when I was just getting started, I bought a group of four corys that were labelled Corydoras aeneus. As best I can determine, the group consisted of one C. aeneus, one C. sterbai, and two unknowns. I believe that these two fish are members of the same species, and I'm pretty sure that I have a male and a female. But what are they? I finally decided to go through the Cat-e-Log at PlanetCatfish and try to come up with an ID. My best guess was C. pestai; poking around a bit, it appears that C. pestai is a synonym for C. elegans. Anyway, I posted a question over a PlanetCatfish - hopefully I'll have an answer soon.
Update: It turns out that my pictures aren't quite sufficient. Anyway, Kim M suggested that it might be "CW008 - "gold line elegans", or they could be C041 males". Both, in my opinion, are good candidates. Now to get some better pictures of them - including some pictures of the female.

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